HomeStyle Suites provides short-term furnished apartment rentals in Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, and Odessa, Texas.
Comfortable Furnished Apartments
Flexibility you need for short-term housing
In addition, choose your exact move-in and move-out dates. We understand the needs of extended-stay and business travelers. Relocating can be a stressful time, and we want your rental to be the least of your worries. By matching travelers with fully appointed apartments, we let you focus on the tasks at hand while we take care of the rental details. When you’re in an apartment that’s big enough for the whole family, you’ll feel right at home.
Simple monthly prices in Lubbock
Moreover, we can provide special rates for longer stays and a single monthly payment. No hotel/motel taxes! Let’s face it, staying in even a modest hotel for days, weeks, or months can really add up. At even a below-average rate of $150/night, you’re looking at $4,500 for a 30-day stay!Of course, many of the cheaper extended stay alternatives don’t look much better. With cramped rooms, dim lighting, and a “kitchen” that’s just a microwave and mini-fridge, it’s no wonder that business travelers spend big on hotels.
With a flexible lease on a corporate apartment, you get luxury hotel amenities at a fraction of the price.